Wilder Nature

Nutrition & Health

Getting to the Root of Skin Problems

Clear skin model

Founder & Nutritional Therapist

Back in time, one of the most upsetting things to me about my poor health was the state of my skin. Frequent breakouts, painful cystic acne, dryness, dark circles – anyone who hasn’t yet found a solution to their skin issues will know just how stressful and frustrating it can be.

Conventional medical professionals, doctors and unfortunately even dermatologists often discount the connection between nutrition and skin health, despite the fact there is strong evidence to support the influence of our what we eat on the quality of our skin. It’s unfortunate that this connection between diet and skin health is often denied or ignored, and as a result, many patients will miss the chance to improve their skin by addressing their diet.

I am one of the many people who have found that making specific changes to my daily diet has led to dramatic improvements in my skin health. And in reality, I didn’t actually make that many changes to what I was eating. But the changes I did make turned out to be the right ones, and those small things had a terrifically big impact. Small changes can have astounding results.

A nutrient-dense, whole food diet, boosted with certain vitamins, minerals, and other compounds, is a powerful starting point for many conditions, including acne, rosacea, dermatitis, dryness, premature ageing and pigmentation. In clinic, I conduct a full nutritional analysis of your diet, as well as information about your medical history, other symptoms, activity patterns and stress levels to create a health map to discover the root causes of your particular problems and symptoms. Acne, for example, can have many different root causes – we work together to find yours, and move forwards from there.

In the meantime, here are my top three tips for boosting skin health!

1. Increase Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Found most abundantly in cold water fatty fish such as sardines, salmon, mackerel, tuna, trout, anchovies, and black cod, among many others, omega 3 fats are known to be anti-inflammatory, so may be particular beneficial for inflammatory conditions such as acne, psoriasis, and rosacea.

Recipe idea: Smoked mackerel pate on charcoal toast with chives and cucumber.

2. Reduce Caffeine Consumption

Most of us love a morning cup of coffee or a creamy latte – but consider the fact that caffeine can inhibit the absorption of vitamins and minerals, as well as the dehydrating effect which may ultimately impact the skin. If the thought of quitting coffee leaves you cold, perhaps try reducing it a little at first. Replacing your second coffee of the day with a coconut-milk iced matcha can not only benefit your skin, but matcha is a source of L-Theanine which triggers alpha waves in our brains, leading us to feel focused and alert rather than wired and jittery.

Recipe idea: Creamy Iced Matcha Latte.

3. Boost Your Vitamin C Intake

Vitamin C may act as an antioxidant to reduce and prevent UV-induced photo-damage. It is also crucial for the formation of collagen in the skin. The highest sources of vitamin C include chilli peppers, bell peppers, guava, dark leafy greens, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, kiwi, citrus fruits, and strawberries. Certain fresh herbs such as fresh coriander, chives, thyme, basil and parsley are also high in vitamin C. Consuming a wide variety of colourful plant foods on a regular basis is the best way to get adequate vitamin C in your diet, especially if lightly cooked or raw, as vitamin C is sensitive to heat.

Recipe idea: Pimp my Salad: Salad doesn’t have to be boring!

A diet that supports skin health has been shown to improve many different skin conditions, all without the unnecessary use of invasive procedures or harsh drugs and chemicals. I’d love to hear from you about what has worked to improve your skin health – drop me an email! [email protected].

In health,


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